Reginald "Reggie" Blount's

背景反映了对公共服务,教育和社区参与的深刻承诺. As a lifelong resident of Jacksonville and a former city council candidate, Reggie's roots in the community run deep. His academic achievements include a bachelor's degree in business management, a master's degree in public policy, and a special graduate certificate in security, 稳定, and development in complex operations from the Naval Postgraduate School. 他也是美国陆军中士专业学院战斗参谋学院的毕业生.

Reggie served 30 years in the military, including four combat tours and a TOP Secret Security Clearance/SCI. While assigned to the Army Special Operations Command, he served as civil affairs team leader; coordinating with the Department of State, several foreign dignitaries, 以及各种非政府组织来稳定和改善阿富汗的基础设施.

After retiring from the military in 2016, 他曾担任Florida State College at Jacksonville的项目协调员和成人继续教育兼职教授. 另外, 他在杰克逊维尔黑商会担任重组委员会主席,并在FSCJ担任与佛罗里达儿童和家庭部合作的评估协调员,突出了他对社区发展和支持的承诺.

Reggie and Amy Blount raised six children (three of whom served in the military). His membership in various organizations, including New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, the American Center for Law & 正义,美国退伍军人协会,残疾退伍军人协会,以及Omega Psi Phi博爱公司., underscores his commitment to supporting and strengthening his community. Reggie has been recognized by Marquis "Who's Who" for 2024.


 What are your priorities for Duval County Public Schools?

我正在研究其他工业化国家是如何在教育方面超越美国的. In the most recent PISA assessment in 2022, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 科学排名第19, and 38th in math among the participating countries and economies. While American students have shown proficiency in certain areas, there is significant room for improvement, particularly in mathematics. 令人担忧的是,尽管人均教育支出高于其他所有大国, these rankings are not more competitive.

To address these challenges, several initiatives could be considered:

  • 提高学术标准:实施更高的学术标准,以确保学生在核心科目上做好充分的准备.
  • 投资工业贸易:拨出更多资金和资源,支持职业技术教育, preparing students for careers in high-demand fields.
  • 发起一项改善教育设施的运动:发起一项筹款活动,以改善现有学校或新建学校, state-of-the-art educational facilities.
  • 确保课程的完整性:防止儿童接触到学校系统中不适当的文学和材料, maintaining the integrity of the educational environment.


Why did you choose these as priorities?

 Because these are the most important issues parents and 老师 are discussing. 

Although school board members are elected by district, they make decisions for the whole of Duval County, which occasionally leads to conflict. What is your approach and philosophy for making decisions in this situation?

当然! 下面是你的段落的精炼版本,它概述了解决问题的结构化方法:

In addressing our challenges, we must employ systematic problem-solving techniques. 首先,我们必须清楚地界定手头的问题,并详细确定其潜在问题. 一旦确定了这些问题,我们就应该提出旨在解决这些问题的多种行动方针. 与同事和利益相关者进行深入的讨论,以收集不同的观点和见解,这一点至关重要.

After evaluating potential solutions, we should prioritize and implement the agreed-upon courses of action. It's essential to articulate why these solutions are optimal for the situation, based on evidence and feasibility. 实现后, we need to continuously monitor and review the effectiveness of our solutions, ensuring they are producing the desired outcomes.

If necessary, adjustments should be made promptly based on feedback and evaluation results. While some issues may be complex, 我们必须避免无所作为,积极应对挑战.

Over the last few years, the Florida Legislature has had a significant impact on local public education. What are your top issues at the state level, 你将如何与塔拉哈西的立法者合作来代表我们学生的需求?

在尊重父母权利的同时,有效地为学生在学术界和工业界的成功做好准备, 必须更新课程,重点放在传统的教育方法上,尽量减少有争议的社会问题. 这种方法确保学生在为复杂的社会发展实用技能的同时获得坚实的学术基础. 通过强调父母的参与和优先考虑与职业准备一致的核心科目, 教育机构可以更好地让学生在各个领域脱颖而出,为社会做出有意义的贡献.


As a school board member, my responsibilities are clear and focused. 我的主要职责包括制定政策和指导方针,以管理学校的教育框架和运作. It is essential to respect the role of the 负责人, allowing them the autonomy to execute their duties effectively.

To ensure smooth functioning and avoid overstepping boundaries, 对每个人在学校治理结构中的角色有一个清晰的认识是至关重要的. This includes delineating the responsibilities of the school board, 负责人, 管理员, 老师, 和工作人员.

杜瓦尔县学校董事会最近听取了一位顾问关于重新划定学校边界的建议, align feeder patterns, 并整合许多小型或入学人数不足的学校,并一直就该建议收集社会各界的意见. What will be your approach to adjusting the Master Facility Plan?

  • With the increasing development of apartment communities, 至关重要的是,要积极应对预计增长对学校人口的潜在影响. This necessitates a strategic approach that considers the following steps:
  • 开发计划评估:评估当前的总体设施计划,并重新评估,以确定是否所有问题都得到了解决. 
  • 影响分析:进行全面的分析,以预测这些增长的发展如何影响学校人口. Consider factors such as potential increases in student enrollment, demographic shifts based on community growth, and strain on existing educational resources.
  • Collaboration with Local Authorities: Work closely with local planning authorities, 城市规划者, and developers to understand development timelines and projections. 就减轻对学校能力和资源的潜在负面影响的战略进行合作.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with parents, 教育工作者, 社区利益相关者收集意见,关注对学校人口的潜在影响. Foster transparency and communication throughout the planning process.
  • 监测和调整:持续监测发展趋势和学校招生数据. 根据实时数据和社区反馈,必要时调整计划和战略,有效管理增长对学校人口的影响.

While Duval County has made great progress in education, there are still students who are falling behind. How would you maintain a focus on addressing inequities in student performance, including by supporting schools in low-income neighborhoods?

我们必须确保所有学校都有相同的设备和课程材料在课堂上发挥作用(辅助教师). Keep class sizes below 20 per classroom. 注重基础教育,减少不利于基本教育需求的社会项目. Some subjects should be left in the hands of parents. provide teacher assistants for over-populated classrooms. Listen to 老师 to find our what their needs are for success.






of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.

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